Follow these 35 steps to properly optimize your Google My Business listing. I cover getting started, content strategy,  including video, utilizing AI, and bonus tips to rank higher.

Fill in all fields on your Google Business Profile Regularly update services and productsOptimizing Google Business Profiles
Add photos and videos to your profile Respond promptly to reviews
Use keywords in your business name for ranking benefits
Consider getting a DBA
for using a different name on Google Business Profile
Limit time spent on fighting spam and suggesting name changes
Consider the potential for decreased visibility of local packs in search results Monitor the increasing frequency of two-pack results on mobile
Local Service Ads can steal traffic from the local pack, so participate in them Focus on creating high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites
Don't spend too much time on citations
Focus on the basics and industry-specific ones
Audit and clean up your citations if you have a branding issue or Google keeps changing your information
Encourage customers to leave reviews
Content StrategyContent Strategy
Publish unique and comprehensive content
The content should be long enough to answer all potential
customer questions
Break up the wall of words with images, headings, graphics,
and bullet points
Add cost information to assist customer decision-making
Be transparent with pricing information: This helps build trust with potential customers and improve conversion rates
Prune duplicate content: it can cannibalize ranking efforts Video Marketing
Embrace videoVideo Marketing
Launch a YouTube channel & consider other platforms like TikTok
Create engaging video content tailored to your target audience
For small businesses, consider self-made videos or faceless channels
For larger brands, evaluate sustainability of different video strategies
Document and share your work through social media snippets
Utilizing AIUtilizing AI
Investigate Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE) and its impact Test SGE rankings on mobile versus desktop
AI tools can be helpful for content creation and other tasks, but they should be used responsibly and ethically
Authenticity will become increasingly important in local SEO
as AI becomes more prevalent
Network with other local businesses, build relationships, & get referrals Share expertise freely to establish authority and trust
Subscribe to the Sterling Sky YouTube channel for future webinars
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