Written by Aaron Rains September 25th 2023

Ranking for applicable keywords will let you increase your search engine visibility. A lot of the content on the Internet these days is just rephrasing existing content, which is not very useful. Writing authentic and informational articles and posts is what search engines favor because that’s what your audience will respond to, so it’s what search engines want to promote. Let us now look into SEO content writing. Given below are some handy SEO content writing tips for you that you can use to improve your search rankings.

What is SEO content?

SEO-optimized writing targets search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing for specific search queries. SEO is a way of enhancing the rankings of your content above the existing or upcoming competition content from other sites on the search engines. The motive of any blog is to answer the queries people are looking for. The only way people will FIND your answers is when your content contains the keywords they are using to look up relevant information; thus, given below are some of the points you need to focus more on:-

  • Newer trends or what’s the current
  • New algorithm/blueprint updates
  • New search attributes.
  • How your audience and their choices keep on changing

Following are the steps that will help you to let your content rank on top:-

Step 1: Keyword research.

1. Use the primary keyword in the title: This should be simple and will provide your page with a theme and motive.

2. Use the most important keywords in the beginning: SEO experiments confirm that keywords in the body firmly correlate with rank and the blog article.

3. Use keyword variations in your article: Variations in keywords are a way to show Google that your essay is helpful for the users.

4. Study competitors with good on-page SEO content: This will enable you to learn the priorities of Google. Look for the word count, use of italics and bold and italics, images, alt text, video, the number of headers, etc.

Step: 2: Structure your posts

Well-written content only ranks if it has proper organization. You must break your content into smaller paragraphs with subheadings. Try to use essential keywords as subheadings and then cover every possible information you have below it in a section or as points. This way, the content is easy to read and keeps the readers engaged. Proper tag hierarchy for headings or subheadings, h2, h3, etc., make your content look more organized.

Step 3: Promote content on social media

To increase the reach of your content, social media has been proven as an unbeatable platform. Use other social media channels to promote your blogs and add engaging descriptions. Posts with images can also be pinned. This creates one more source of traffic to your website.

Step 5: Use internal and external links

Internal and external links (to other blogs) are equally important for SEO. Internal links to other pertinent pages on your website will help Google crawlers find your blog post.

Step 6: Optimize your meta tags

Your content page’s title tag and search description are significant for SEO. The title tag contains your main keyword and must have a character limit of up to 60-70 words. The meta description should include primary and secondary keywords and be instructive and alluring.

Step 7: Monitor your activity

Keeping track of your efforts is the best way to know how friendly your content is, and Google Analytics could do this. To understand how long a person stays on your website, look at Engagement or bounce rates. It also informs you about social interactions like likes and shares, so you know how viral your post is.

Step 8: Understand Google’s Algorithm

While determining rankings, Google’s algorithm observes various factors, such as the quality of the content and the relevancy of a particular search query. Hence, dive deep into topics for better engagement and try to include stats, graphs, and images.

Step 9: Use Bold & Bullet Points Wherever Possible

These can help organize complete sentences, phrases, or small pointers. It helps improve readability and makes the content look more professional.

Step 10: Use Varied Content Types

Hold all of them, including infographics, tutorials, landing pages, and podcasts, to make the most of your content.

Here are some other additions to content types-

  • Blog posts
  • Emails
  • Video content
  • Social media content
  • Guides
  • Ebooks
  • Webinars
  • Press releases
  • Case studies
  • White papers

Step 11: Readability

Improving readability has a direct impact on user engagement metrics.

Two ways to improve readability are:

  • Latent Semantic Indexing
  • Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency

Step 12: Provide value to the readers by adding-

  • Surveys
  • Personal experiences
  • Your case studies
  • Connect or combine other publishers’ stats and ideas

Dos and Don’ts of SEO Content Writing


ChatGPT is an excellent tool for getting accurate information, but you need your voice to glow.

  • Do NOT duplicate content from other websites. Duplicity won’t let your content get the top SEO rankings.
  • Do check the plagiarism of your content. There are various tools available for this purpose, such as www.duplichecker.com and www.plagiarism detector.net
  • Creativity

Please don’t write content that isn’t interesting and is boring. Also, don’t write content that lacks value to the user. Provide more profound knowledge about the topic.

  • Place authentic, reliable, and trustworthy resources and links to your content.
  • DO NOT use copyrighted images.
  • You can also use screenshots, videos, tables, charts, graphs, and other appropriate visual elements to make the content more engaging.
  • Readability:- DO NOT write the entire content in long paragraphs; instead, break your content into points or flowcharts to increase the readability.


Getting ranked on the top pages is not easy, but you can achieve it with the proper SEO writing practice. These tips will help you improve your current position on search engines regardless of which industry you are writing for. Just remember that it’s not only about keywords. Try to follow all these tricks and then observe the changes